Update on the TESDA Course Free Training for BPP NCII and Bookkeeping NCIII: Slots are already FULL. Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------- FREE Training on Bookkeeping NCIII...
FREE Training on Bread and Pastry Production NCII 141 hours First Come, First Served Basis.... Enrollment is on going... Class Schedule - October 8 to...
In observance of the Philippine National Law Week, the IBP Baguio-Benguet Chapter and the CCDC College of Law in cooperation with the Local Government Unit...
The Annual College Intramurals games is set to start on October 10, Friday with nine (9) participating teams, namely: College of Accountancy, College of Business...
The much-awaited BBEAL 33rd season with institutional host, Cordillera Career Development College, is set to open on October 4 at the CCDC Gym at 2pm...