Graduation Rates among Women Increases with Improved Student Services

In December 2023, 65.19% of the graduates were notably females from the different collegiate programs to include criminology, social work, teacher education, nursing, midwifery, law and business.

“In the criminology program, the department has noticed an increased number of female enrollees, with improved completion or graduation rates which we also attribute to the improved working conditions of women in the field of law enforcement,”  states Dean Dennis M. Butag, College of the Criminal Justice Education.

The increasing number of women graduates may also be indicative of the relative success and improvement in women participation in various programs that ensures the academic success of all students.  

 “While it is sad that our office still receive cases on violence against children and women, we have noted that more of these students, most especially women, are now more comfortable and open when it comes to seeking help and recognizing the signs of anxiety and depression”, shares Michelle Palongdias, Student Development Officer.

Alongside, Annabelle B. Gondales, VP Administration also shares that there is an improved efficiency in the reporting of cases and incidences as CCDC has strengthened its strategies in protecting the interest of parties involved in harassment cases, including those reporting these incidents.  This according to her, helps encourage parties to trust the systems in place to ensure a safe learning environment for all.