CCDC is deeply committed to promoting Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being, and strives to ensure access to quality healthcare services and promote well-being for all individuals.

  • “EmpowerWell:CCDC’s Initiative for Community Health and Wellbeing”

    “PANBADANGAN PROJECT SERIES 2” Read the article below “CCDC Celebrates 30th Anniversary with Free Services for Atok Community” In celebration of its 30th Foundation Anniversary, the Cordillera Career Development College (CCDC) held a series of free community services for the residents of Atok, its adopted community. This outreach initiative aimed to promote education, health, and […]

  • “CCDC and Zuellig Family Foundation Forge Partnership through MOU”

    The Cordillera Career Development College (CCDC) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF), marking a significant collaboration to advance education and health outcomes in the Philippines. CCDC, aiming to be a center of 21st-century education, is committed to providing accessible, holistic, and inclusive learning experiences that cultivate responsible […]

  • CCDC Adopts a No Smoking Policy

    In support of health measure to curb oral health problems and diseases, Cordillera Career Development College has long implemented a No Smoking and No Chewing of Betel Nut inside the campus. Under Section 1.8 of Article 8 or the Code of Discipline in the Handbook for Students, smoking, vaping, and chewing or spitting of betel […]

  • Nursing students undergo mental health debriefing

    As part of their subject on Psychiatric Nursing, student nurses underwent a Mental Health activity which focused on self awareness at the Senior High School Hall on May 24, 2022. Dubbed Psychosocial Activity: Sound Mind and Body, the activity is also a much-needed break from their Psychiatric Ward duties and forms part of their debriefing […]

  • CCDC sets R&R for employees

    To ensure balanced mental wellbeing, employees of Cordillera Career Development College (CCDC) are provided “rest and recreation days,” aside from their regular work breaks. For 2022, employees embarked on wellness breaks on February 21 and June 8 at the ADMIRALS Farms Park which offered relaxation activities such as forest bathing and hiking. As a deviation, […]