CCDC promulgates mechanisms in dealing with any form of misconduct among its employees and students

Committed. Culturally Aware. Dignified. Civic Oriented.

These are the guiding values of Cordillera Career Development College (CCDC). It is the responsibility of every employee to understand, inculcate, and adhere to these Guiding Values of the institution as every personnel is also granted full trust and confidence.

In upholding dignity, CCDC does not tolerate any form of misconduct in the delivery of its services to stakeholders. Corruption and bribery in exchange for passing grades among students, including misappropriation of funds belonging to the institution and commission of a crime, are classified as Type C or very Serious Offenses and are meted with suspension to exclusion and expulsion or termination as penalties. 

Hence, mechanisms are in place in dealing with any form of misconduct, violation, or grievance among its employees and students. These procedures and processes are published in its school manuals for employees and students. Due process is afforded prior to imposition of any sanction.


Disciplinary administrative sanctions may be imposed on a student for the commission of any offense defined in the Code of Discipline of this Handbook.  Other interventions, such as referrals to appropriate professionals may also be done on a case-to-case basis.  Such sanctions may take the form of:

Warning/Reprimand.  These are sanctions meted out for reprehensive conduct or by way of admonishing the erring student that repetition of the offense would subject him to more severe disciplinary measures.

Community Work (Non-Classroom).  These are compulsory work done within the campus, subject to approval of parents, which are aimed to expose students to realities that may help deter misbehavior.

Suspension.  As a penalty imposed for an offense committed, a student may be barred for a certain period from a particular class or from CCDC.

Exclusion.  This is a disciplinary measure which allows an erring student to finish the semester or term but is therefore excluded from returning to the College or when the penalty or expulsion cannot for any reason, extraneous or otherwise, be enforced.

Expulsion.  This is an extreme disciplinary sanction.  As distinguished from exclusion, it is imposed and implemented during the semester or term when the offense was committed which requires the approval of DepEd. 

Chapter 7 of the institution’s Handbook for Students shows the processing of grievances in all levels of the institution.


  1. Any grievance against any fellow students who belong to the Department as that of the complainant shall be addressed to the Program Coordinator who shall conduct necessary preliminary investigation (i.e., notify parent/official guardian about the complaint and the answer in writing shall be noted by the parent/official guardian) and settle the issue.  If unable to do so, the Program Coordinator shall forward the case to the Prefect of Discipline, who shall convene if deemed appropriate a Board of Discipline, who will make necessary recommendations to the President.
  2. Any grievance against any fellow students who belong to other College/Departments shall be addressed to the head of student services, who shall inform the concerned Deans/Program Coordinator.  The Prefect of Discipline shall do necessary preliminary investigation and settle the issue.  If unable to do so shall forward the case to the VP Administration, who shall convene if deemed appropriate a Board of Discipline, who shall make recommendations to the President.
  3. The functions and composition of the Board of Discipline is based on the directive of the VP Administration but generally to conduct further investigation and come up with recommendations for the President’s final decision.  
  4. Any appeal on the decision of the Board of Discipline shall be forwarded to the President for review and final decision.
  5. All records of the matter shall be forwarded to the Office of the Program Coordinator under which the respondent belongs.


Any grievance against any faculty member or school personnel shall be directed to the complainant’s respective Program Coordinator. Upon receipt of such a complaint, the Program Coordinator shall conduct a preliminary investigation and submit facts and recommendation to the Principal to resolve the matter. If unresolved, the matter is referred to the Legal Officer for any appropriate action and recommendation to the President. A copy of the decision of the President shall be furnished to the respondent. All records of the matter shall be forwarded to the HR Office regardless of the level of the office in which the complaint is resolved. 


Any grievance against the Program Coordinator shall be brought to the attention of the Vice President for Academics who shall conduct investigation to settle the issue.  Otherwise, the matter is referred to the Legal Officer for any appropriate action and recommendation to the President. A copy of the decision of the President shall be furnished to the respondent. All records of the matter shall be forwarded to the HR Office regardless of the level of the office in which the complaint is resolved. 


Any grievance against the Vice Presidents shall be forwarded to the President, who shall conduct, with the help of the Legal Officer, an investigation and settle the case. All records of the matter shall be forwarded to the HR Office.


Any grievance against the President shall be filed formally to the Board of Trustees, addressed to the Chairman of the Board through the Board Secretary, the body that shall decide on the matter.  Such a decision will be final and executory.