CCDC Collaborates with PES for Project ALISTO

True to the spirit of “binnadang,” the Cordillera Career Development College (CCDC) quickly responded to Puguis Elementary School’s (PES) call to implement Project ALISTO (Alleviating Learners Interest in literacy and numeracy skills by Strengthening Techniques to achieve desired Outcomes). 

Proposed by Ms. Marlene A Naboye of PES, ALISTO is a remediation program to address the current reading and numeracy skills issue among young learners. This was conceptualized after individualized assessments and the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) results in PES had shown that the learner’s literacy and numeracy skills are far behind the expected skills within their grade level.

Pre-service teacher-volunteers of CCDC are shown assisting PES learners in efforts to improve their reading skill.

Launched in 20 April 2023, this successful initiative paired volunteer pre-service teachers from CCDC with identified pupils of the PES for two-hour sessions on reading literacy. Post-assessment results showed improvement in the word recognition and reading skills of the 63 learners who participated.

Aside from conscious efforts to contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 1-No Poverty and 4-Quality Education, the project also made a significant impact on the 57 students who volunteered to be part of the project. It became an avenue of experiential learning that resulted in the development of their creativity, innovation, teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking skills.  

The effort was well-appreciated by the PES and both partners are looking forward to a second round of implementation.