CCDC gets ISO audit approval

Cordillera Career Development College (CCDC) successfully maintained its International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001: 2015 Certification after passing the first Surveillance Audit today, August 27.

The annual Surveillance Audit is the first of two in the ISO initial process to ensure that CCDC adheres to the certification guidelines.

CCDC officially received its ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Certification, after successfully passing the ISO Final Audit last September 2023.

The audit established CCDC’s full compliance and reflected zero non-conformities on the provision for Instruction, Research, and Extension for all program offerings and other support services.

CGD’s certifying body, DQS Certification Phil’s Inc., shared its findings during the closing meeting which will be used to further improve the processes of all the offices, both internal and external.

The audit team are Tee Jay Robles (Team Leader), Catherine Sigua (Co-Auditor), and Roy Bahala (Co-Auditor). CCDC’s certification was conferred after rigorous and strict audit of component processes on two various occasions.

The Surveillance Audit result is a confirmation of sorts to CCDC’s commitment to its learners, stakeholders, employees, and the community, said CCDC President Sherry Junette Malaya-Tagle.

“We have rooms for improvement but more importantly, we are compliant with the highest standard of the ISO, which is a mark of excellence,” said Tagle.

The school president said maintaining the ISO Certification is a collective and collaborative effort among all departments. “We will continuously improve and adhere to CCDC’s vision of being a center of quality education for culturally diverse and global learners,” Tagle added.*

Some photos during the ISO Surveillance Audit.

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